
Tip #3 for a Killer Sales Presentation

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Tip #3 for a Killer Sales Presentation

This week, we’ve been discussing ClearSlide CEO, Dustin Grosse’s Sales & Marketing Management article on killer presentations. So far we’ve shared Tip #1 No muss, no fuss – make joining meetings easy and simple, and Tip #2 Everybody loves a video – leverage video content to increase viewer engagement. Today we share tip #3!

Tip 3: It’s about the story, not the slides
We all know that in-person presentations and email slide presentations provide two very different audience experiences.
With email presentations, the customer is walking through the deck themselves. It’s a challenge to get your audience to open your email, let alone that the right message will come through if they do. While in contrast, live presentations give you the opportunity to explain things and give context, but then you are full responsible for getting and keeping your audience’s attention. So how do you make the most of each of these situations?
In email presentations, technology like ClearSlide allows you to receive notifications when your emails are opened and to track engagement through different slides in the presentation we can feel like we are right there watching our audience go through the presentation. Leverage these opportunities to understand what part of the story is most interesting to your audience and drive from there!
If you have the opportunity to present in person, don’t read from the slides, tell the story yourself! Leverage rich media like video or web slides to keep your audience engaged. Telling a story that speaks to your audience, in the right format is key to making sure your presentation is a killer!
Next week, we’ll finish out the 5 tips! Once again, if you just can’t wait to read more, click here to read the full article and get the details on the tips we’ve shared thus far.