
Tip #2 for a Killer Sales Presentation

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Tip #2 for a Killer Sales Presentation

Yesterday, we shared Tip #1 from, ClearSlide CEO, Dustin Grosse’s Sales & Marketing Management article on killer presentations. To recap, Tip #1 was No muss, no fuss – make joining meetings easy and simple. Today we continue examining the 5 Tips for Killer Sales with tip #2.

Tip 2: Everybody loves a video


As ClearSlide Account Executive, Bo Willey shared in his Salesperson story, video is an incredibly effective tool in grabbing the attention of prospects. In his article, Grosse reminds us of the incredible presence of videos on the internet and the amount of people that the various content can cater to. Videos are incredibly compelling and have the ability to help you break through the noise and speak to the right audience.

When it comes to presentations specifically, ClearSlide data shows that the presentation slides with rich content like video garner between 15-50% more viewer engagement than those without! Take that a step further with personalized videos (as mentioned in Bo Willey’s post), and you can see up to a 60% increase in email open rate.

Leveraging video to improve engagement is another easy way to ensure you’ll deliver a killer presentation!

Tomorrow we’ll continue with tip #3! Once again, if you just can’t wait to read more, click here to read the full article and get the details on Tips 1 & 2!