
How to Smash Your Next Sales Presentation

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How to Smash Your Next Sales Presentation

Last week we shared Salesman.Red’s tips for leveraging content to close more deals. This week, we share Will Barron’s 6 Tips to Smash your Next Sales Presentation. We all know that it’s more than just what you say, but how you say it that makes a difference in delivering successful presentations. So, here are the 6 things you should be thinking about during your next sales presentation!

  1. Body Language – Remember, posture, eye contact, and engagement all help to make a good impression. They are large parts of setting the tone and ensuring that your prospects are open to your presentation.
  2. Consider Presenting Remotely – While it is wonderful to engage with prospects in person, there are some great benefits to presenting remotely. With technology like ClearSlide you can monitor client engagement remotely and record your presentation, allowing you to review it after the fact and understand what is driving your prospects.
  3. Know Where Things Stand (has anything changed?) – Keep in mind that nothing is static, and remaining relevant to your prospects is key in succeeding in presentations
  4. Tell Stories – Leveraging stories has been proven to increase oxytocin levels in the brain, improving the mood of your audience, making you a more likable presenter.
  5. Present at the End – Building a rapport, and developing a relationship with prospects helps make presentations more comfortable. Creating allies first helps to increase the success of your presentation.
  6. Know When to Close – Engage with your audience so you can read their signals, and know when they are losing interest or looking move quickly. Buyers are often significantly far along the buying process before you even begin speaking with them, know when they’re ready to make a decision.

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