
More ClearSlide UI Improvements Releasing this Week!

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More ClearSlide UI Improvements Releasing this Week!

We’re excited to announce the latest round of user enhancements for ClearSlide customers. You will see improvements to the ClearSlide homepage experience and Email Pitch.

Users quickly sort the feed by Live Pitches, Email Pitches and recent Uploads. Whether you’re a salesperson, Sales Leader, or marketing team, these changes will improve productivity and increase content visibility.


ClearSlide users can easily sort the activity feed by content type. For example, marketing leaders can get a quick, easy-to-digest view of what content has been uploaded recently by clicking the “Uploads” icon:


The Content page filters are now located directly below the Content Search bar to make it even easier to filter by content tags (e.g., Approved Presentations,” “Marketing,” and by person):


Users of Compose Email will now enjoy a cleaner experience while composing their email, leveraging templates, and selecting multimedia presentations for which they’d like to track customer engagement.

The new email preview page gives users a simplified way to choose where they’d like their collateral to appear via the Layout dropdown:


When users send their email, they can easily tee up another one or click to view how their latest emails are performing:


After users have created a link to their ClearSlide content, they can quickly copy it and email to customers, post on a social media profile, or share via any other medium.From there, they can track engagement on the content, and click “View Details” to see how it’s performing over time:

We’re excited to hear your feedback at – this goes straight to the ClearSlide product and engineering teams who deliver feature enhancements based on customer feedback.