
Introducing Personalized Video Communication for Sales

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Introducing Personalized Video Communication for Sales

We are very excited to launch a revolutionary new feature inside of ClearSlide Mail – video mail. Video mail lets you send highly personalized and branded videos that can be shot from your iPhone, uploaded and then added to content, emailed, and tracked all in a few taps of your finger. It improves connection with customers, humanizing sales interactions to help you cut through the clutter and stand out in an inbox. Click the image below to watch a short clip about video mail.


We originally set out to find a more authentic way for our own sales professionals to connect with our customers. To break through the noise of automated emails and add a voice to the marketing collateral they send via email. After over 10,000 recorded videos and deep analysis of the impact, we saw a 60% improvement in open rates, and 70-90% of the emails sent with personalized videos were forwarded on. Even better, our customers would reach back out saying with comments such as, “absolutely amazing and totally above and beyond”, or “’That’s amazing. My team needs to start doing this.” I’m thrilled that as of today all sales teams can now take advantage of personalized video to connect with their customers.

To hear more about why we created video mail, see how you can integrate video with your marketing content, see how it works as well as a few example videos from our reps, watch this video:


I would love to hear your comments about how you’re using video mail. Comment in the blog below or tweet me @jim_benton.

Download the ClearSlide Mail app from the iTunes store.