
ClearSlide Presenter Updates to Improve On-The-Road Downloads

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ClearSlide Presenter Updates to Improve On-The-Road Downloads

Within our ClearSlide mobile team, we’ve been focused on one thing: Making the lives easier for inside and outside salespeople. This summer we transitioned from ClearSlide Outside to the new-and-improved ClearSlide Presenter. Our focus on improving the sales rep experience and increasing their productivity has been consistently recognized and we thank you for the feedback!

Our latest focus has been on enhancing how the ClearSlide Presenter app handles downloading and syncing presentations. We wanted to help address pain points for roaming sales teams, often connecting from free, somewhat spotty, WiFi networks. On such networks, downloads would often fail and status updates wouldn’t be reported to our users. As a result, we’ve built the following changes into our latest release:

  • Decks will download successfully more often because we’ve improved our retry logic
  • Users will have greater visibility into network conditions while downloading
    • The ClearSlide Presenter app will now report download speed, file size, amount downloaded, % complete, number of presentations left and estimated time remaining
    • To remove distractions, we won’t show this information when the user is currently pitching a presentation
  • If the network is fast but the connection is unstable, users will be notified sooner and can decide if they want to continue to retry downloads or try to re-download from a different WiFi (or cellular) network
  • For increased discretion, we’ve removed the deck name from the download status bar. Individual decks will still show as downloading from the Presentation selector menu.
    We’ve dramatically increased our download fidelity and error reporting, and would love to hear your feedback! Download the latest version of ClearSlide Presenter here.