
Milk and Cookies, ClearSlide and Salesforce

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Milk and Cookies, ClearSlide and Salesforce

Warm chocolate chip cookies, with pecans of course, fresh out of the oven with a cold glass of milk. There aren’t many things in this world that go better together than that.

Today I’m pleased to announce our new Polaris Release, which brings ClearSlide and Salesforce even closer together. If you’re in sales, marketing or sales enablement it’s as good together as milk and cookies, but without the caloric guilt.

Polaris is the north star, a guiding light that helped sailors navigate for centuries. Our new Polaris Release provides similar guidance to sales reps, bringing contextually recommended content and next-step actions directly into Salesforce. ClearSlide has always had the most complete Sales Engagement Platform (SEP) – bringing content, integrated communications, and deep engagement insights from every interaction together to improve business results. With Polaris, we’ve now brought guided selling, powered by ClearSlide content recommendations, directly within Salesforce.

The magic behind Polaris is a new content recommendation engine that enables marketing and sales enablement to define robust content recommendation rules based on any Salesforce CRM attribute. These rules ensure that contextually relevant content, aligned with the sales playbook defined by your organization, is right at your sales rep’s fingertips within Account, Opportunity, Contact and Lead records. For example, if your playbook focuses on tailored messaging by role, stage, territory, and vertical, you can define recommendation rules that surface the perfect content in Salesforce (as well as Gmail or Outlook) intended for the VP of IT for that Discovery stage, Enterprise manufacturing industry opportunity.

All you need to do to get the power of Polaris is to install our latest ClearSlide for Salesforce AppExchange managed package. If you want contextual content recommendations in your email client, you can also download the latest ClearSlide for Gmail Chrome extension or ClearSlide for Outlook plugin.

In this release we also updated ClearSlide Insights in Salesforce (also part of our AppExchange package) with new engagement dashboards that enable sales and ops leaders to track and manage team and individual rep performance. Our customers tell us, and we firmly believe, that customer engagement data is the true measure of rep and deal success – and these new dashboards bring that data to life in Salesforce. You can quickly visualize and compare team and individual performance across multiple dimensions – customer engagement time and sales activity by stage, forecast category, etc. These dashboards build upon our Q4 2016 ION release, where we launched our Engagement Quadrant (EQ) dashboards in Salesforce that enable you to quickly identify at-risk opportunities based on real-time customer engagement data.

ClearSlide was founded on the principle of creating amazing sales experiences that make every customer interaction successful. The feedback from our Polaris beta customers has been fantastic and tremendously validating. We’re pleased to make Polaris available to all of our customers starting today and look forward to your feedback as you deploy it across your team and organization.

And beyond Polaris, I couldn’t be more excited about our roadmap for 2017. The pace of innovation from ClearSlide has never been better – just wait until next quarter for more awesomeness.